Storyteller father of the bride
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As I know Paul’s a bit of a fitness fanatic I’m going to describe marriage in terms that he’ll understand. The secret to a long and fruitful partnership between husband and wife is much like going to the gym. If you think you can get results by just turning up to pound it once a month, you’re going to fail. But over-do it and you’ll end up bored and a little sore. Most people don’t even try, but those that do know that you have to shake things up occasionally and try new routines. You’ve got to commit to one, ease yourself into it, and build yourself up over time. And whatever you do don’t be tempted to try out that fancy new place with nice equipment and a huge set of yoga balls, because you’ll end up pulling a muscle all by yourself.
Married life isn’t just all bickering and making up, it’s about improving yourself and each other gradually along the way, and noticing when one of you needs help with something. For example last week Jennie had been shouting me for dinner for ten minutes, I hadn’t heard a thing, and it turns out my hearing is going. Without my loving wife I’d never have known. Then just yesterday I had to make an optometrist’s appointment because my poor Jennie made out that her vision was going. At least, I think that’s what she meant when she told me she was seeing other men.