The Wedding Speech Experts

Accidental Wedding Speech Stars

Human beings make mistakes, so when you deliver a wedding speech, there's a fair chance you might make one or two verbal slip-ups along the way. Most of them might go unnoticed, but sometimes a groomsman's gaffe or fatherly faux pas is so obvious the audience just has to giggle. There's no point collapsing into a crumpled heap of embarrassment, so you may as well just stand up and laugh at yourself along with everyone else. If anything, a mistake can often make the rest of the speech far easier, because as you'll see in these clips, even the briefest dose of genuine humanity can break a room's tension and cause the audience to instantly fall in love with you.

Best man with a spade

Here's a lesson in wedding speech preparation. If you make it up as you go you may end up putting your foot in your mouth.


The perfect wedding toast

Groom speech icebreaker worth remembering

A very earnest best man

A father of the bride's memories

Best man with a spade